Daily Archives: October 7, 2009

Isn’t it ironic?

ironic Does anyone remember that god-awful Alanis Morissette song from the mid-1990’s, “Ironic”? You know, the one when Alanis sings about all this stuff that’s not even the slightest bit ironic? I remember seeing a skit by the comedian, Ed Byrne, who summed the song’s ridiculousness up perfectly:

“The only ironic thing about that song is it’s called “Ironic” and it’s written by a woman who doesn’t know what irony is. That’s quite ironic.”

I’ll tell you what’s ironic, Alanis. It ain’t bloody rain on your wedding day, that’s for sure (in “the motherland”, that would be a pretty normal occurrence)!

Nope, irony is deciding to deface a sign you think is attacking health care reform; promptly falling into a pothole, and sustaining a badly sprained left ankle and a huge lump on your right leg, the size of an egg; discovering with dismay that the sign actually wasn’t attacking health care reform after all, but merely a senator who’s against it….and, then, limping away hoping you’re not too badly injured because you can’t afford bloody health insurance!

If that’s not irony, then I don’t know what is. Sigh.